Mind Doodles with Treena Innes

Who Is This Girl?

Why Not?

Life is Short. Bring on the Fun. Bring on your Lively, I say!

One of my life mantras is live each day like it’s your last—as one day it will be.  This is the root of inspiration to writing Mind Doodles, the book.  Well, that and I had “write a book by the time I am 50” in big, bold, red on my bucket list, since I was forty.  And I keep hearing the tick-tock sounds in my head.  And on top of that, are my kids.

Bottom line: I kept thinking about my young adult kids—what if I get hit by a bus tomorrow? Will they remember all our deep, purposeful, strategically timed conversations?   Who will give them lessons-learned with unconditional love?   Who will give them shared moments, stories and the vulnerable truth that will guide them through their forks in the road?

Who will make them laugh about life’s rollercoaster ride?

As Mind Doodles hit the streets, started selling on Amazon and people were digging in to the first chapters generating their own lively conversations — I knew I wanted to keep the ‘aha’s and hmmmms, and what the’ going.

I didn’t realize until I released my thoughts to the world Mind Doodle style, that I may be living an extraordinary life of curiosity, fun and adventure.

I am being told that people want this, and want to know how to do this too.

I tell you, if I can leave a footprint of encouraging, inspiring and showing people how to live a life of curiosity, fun and adventure — well, I would be one over the top happy human.

So that is what I am doing.

My life has been locked and loaded with everything that I could possibly fit in. I grew up a small town girl by the ocean and where your neighbors were family. I dreamed of city lights and pursued a business career in Vancouver, BC Canada that took me from the dot com tech start up days to non profit leadership. I experienced work days with standing next to the Premier speaking to a thousand people about the needs of foster children to analyzing what people need in a community to meet their health care needs.

Woven in between this dynamic career is building my family and lifelong friendships that I fondly call my tribe. The people who dance, cry, adventure and belly laugh with me. And at many times, belly laugh at me.

Also in the weave is seeing how the world lives. My goal has been exploring three new countries a year. Travelling the roads less travelled and off the beaten path with my very dirty trusty backpack and hiking boots.

And then there is unconditional giving. Mentoring, volunteering, philanthropy and all things lending a hand and heart. A solid foundation built for my life.

Constant learning, curiosity, exploring, turning right, turning left and mostly always, saying yes. And then there are the life parties and celebrations, like a lot. Last but not least — all things active from hopping on my mountain bike, to putting the boxing gloves on at the gym to a good paddle on my kayak or grinding up that forest trail.

So, if this is the type of lively that you seek, then I am your girl and would love nothing more than to help you find your lively.